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Image by Sarah Brown

Supported Living Services


  • Homemaker Services

        Assistance with cleaning, laundry and household care. Training programs on cooking,

        cleaning and other household tasks. 


  • Personal Care

        Assistance and reminders of hygiene skills, attending doctor appointments, meal

        planning, shopping, budgeting and money management. 


  • Mentorship Services
    To promote self advocacy by instructing, providing experiences, modeling and advising.
    Includes interviewing potential providers, understanding complicated health and safety issues, and assistance in participating on private and public boards, groups and commissions.
    Learning decision making and problem solving skills, safety skills, and avoiding exploitation. 

  • Respite Services
    Relief for a primary caregiver so they can have a break from their son or daughter.

  • Transportation
    This service is to enable the person to gain access to waiver and other community services, activities and resources.

  • Supported Community Connection 
    Learning community safety skills, socialization skills, volunteer work and attending community events. 

  • Supported Employment 
    Assistance with maintaining integrated employment in the competitive work field. â€‹


910 E Railroad Ave

Fort Morgan, CO 80701


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Main Office

Tel: 970-867-8767

Fax: 970-867-2677


Sterling Vet Clinic

Tel: 970-441-1503


Ft Morgan Vet Clinic

Tel: 970-867-2380


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